Piring pemanasan laboratorium fl-1
Plate Pemanasan Fl-1Laboratory
Plate panas termostat digital
LPlate pemanasan stainless steating aboring
Piring Pemanasan Laboratorium Stainless steel
Piring pemanasan stainless steel
Laboratory Thermostat Pirang Panas 400C
Plate panas stainless steel suhu
Stirrer Magnetik Kanggo Laboratorium
Product Description laboratory magnetic stirrer hotplate Uses:It is used when liquid heating is needed in industry, agriculture, health and medicine, scientific research and college labs etc.Characteristics: 1. Die-casting and stretching roof cover; Fabrikan diproses eksternal kanggo nyegah bocor.2. Pemanasan lan aduk bisa nerusake bebarengan.3. Piring pemanasan sing ditutup karo ciri pangayoman geni, kanthi anget lan kekarepan.4. Kekuwatan pemanasan lan kecepatan adus yaiku stples ... -
Stirrer Magnetik Laboratorium utawa Mixer Magnetik
Product Description Laboratory Magnetic Stirrer Or Magnetic Mixer Much of the current magnetic stirrers rotate the magnets by means of an electric motor. Peralatan jinis iki minangka salah sawijining sing paling gampang kanggo nyiapake campuran. Magnetic stirrers are silent and provide the possibility of stirring closed systems without the need for isolation, as in the case with mechanical agitators. Amarga ukurane, putu adus bisa di resiki lan disterilisasi luwih gampang tinimbang piranti liyane kayata rod aduk ... -
Piring Pemanasan Laboratorium Berkualitas Tinggi
Product Description High Quality Laboratory Heating Plate Uses: It is suitable for heating in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprise and scientific and research units. Karakteristik: 1. Plate digawe saka stainless steel, konduktivitas termal, keseragaman suhu dhuwur, area pemanasan gedhe, pemanasan kanthi cepet .Iki apik kanggo pemanasan conto. 2.Tempat sistem kontrol kanthi prosesor chip mikrocomputer, kontrol suhu tliti sing dhuwur, fungsi sing kuwat. Produsen perusahaan ... -
Laboratorium 350 c piring pemanasan
Katrangan produk laboratorium 350 c, laboratorium piring plate laboratorium kanggo mbantu conto laboratorium kanthi aman. Piranti kontrol mikroprocessor bisa ngirim asil sing akurat lan bisa diulang maneh. Choose from digital and nondigital heating plates with durable aluminum tops that will not crack or chip or chemical-resistant ceramic plates that can be easily cleaned. Kanggo pemanasan lan adus, coba pira / piring panas kanthi stirrer magnetik sing terintegrasi. Temokake kabeh ing Grainge ... -
Piring pemanasan listrik kanggo laboratorium
Product Description Electric Heating Plate For Laboratory 一、Uses: This product is suitable for the heating of the samplesin agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, geology and petroleum, chemical, food and other departments and institutions of higher learning, scientific research units. 二、Characteristics: 1.The shell is made of high quality steel,withelectrostatic sprayingsurface, innovative design, appearance, corrosion performance, durable. 2.Dentopt ThyristorTless argi ... -
Piring Pemanasan Laboratorium
Katrangan Plate Laboratorium Heating Laboratorium: Iki cocog kanggo dadi laboratorium, perusahaan industri lan ilmiah lan ilmiah lan paningkatan; Karakteristik: 1. Iki nganggo gaya pemanasan ditutup tanpa geni telanjang.2. Iki nganggo aturan sing ora bisa dikendhaleni silikon kanggo suhu sing beda-beda.3. Shell nganggo teknologi penyembuhan elektrostatik. Nduwe lumahing lapisan sing mantep lan apik banget. Lumahing pemanasan digawe saka wesi tuang. 1. Shell digawe saka dhuwur Qual ... -
Plate stainless steel suhu panas panas
Product Description Stainless steel Laboratory High Temperature Hot Plate Use Factory producing precision heating plate, the use of heating equipment for industry, agriculture, universities, industrial and mining enterprises, health care, scientific research units, laboratories. 2. Kasusuhan panas 2.Featuresan kanggo struktur desktop, permukaan pemanasan digawe saka kerajinan aluminium sing apik, pipa pipis internal. Ora ana pemanasan palsu sing mbukak, aman, efisiensi termal sing dipercaya, dhuwur, usi ... -
Stirrer Magnetik nganggo hotplate
Product Description Hot plate with magnetic stirrer Uses: It is used liquid heating is needed in industry, agriculture, health and medicine, scientific research and college labs etc. Characteristics: 1. Die-casting and stretching roof cover; Fabrikasi Diproses Eksterior kanggo Nyegah Bocor.2.Eating lan aduk bisa nerusake bebarengan.3.Pilih piring pemanasan kanthi cepet lan kakuwatan adus lan stirring